Do we REALLY have choices?
When I see the lines getting longer and longer at the Street Missions in Dallas, I think that at least I’m not there…at least I have a car and can drive by them and feel emphathy/sympathy for them and pray that it never happens to me. And then I drive by the homeless under the bridge that don’t even bother standing in line. Have they given up hope for that in lieu of an early death or at least a day of sanctuary…away from the wind, the cold or the unrelenting heat of summer?
There's a guy with no legs in a wheelchair on the coroner’s corner, as I call it.
Is that the same guy as last week? Who knows? When you've seen what I've seen....the folks either disappear, walk away, have a bus route, a wheelchair, or have a motorized scooter with American flags flying in the wind racing on the streets near Fair Park. Some of them will have signs asking for money or food...most will not. There's no clever way to adverstise what they want. But plenty of catch phrases to describe what they are.
And most have no destination at all. Me included. I drive, I observe, I do nothing.
I wish I had a penny to spare. But, pennies cost more to make than what they're worth. I guess you could say that about people, they cost more than what they're worth. Well, especially if they are under the bridge, under the table, under the underneath of life – with American flags flying in the wind.