Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pundits are the New Religion

Pundits are the new religion

They don’t have a pulpit

But hell let’s just listen

TV is religion.

Go from it….and you might find redemption.

Pundits are the new religion

How do I know?

I’ve listened to them well

I’m a liberal

According to them

I’m going straight to hell

Better shave off my hooves

And take care of the horns



The New Religion

Just Listen

Look into the sky

It’s all good

You’ll love it

The people that rule the world

Oh… you want to travel

Sit in a lobby…at a hotel?

With a lobbyist?

Oh…that will turn out well

He’ll tell you things about how things work

He can circle jerk under a flowing skirt

He can tell many things about everything

And go to Cape Code….hell….dang…this is the thing.

Pundits are the new religion

I’ll take what you say

I’ll take what you say

I’ll take what you say

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Killed Amy Winehouse

I killed Amy Winehouse
I’ve tried for some time
With pills and thrills and atomic drills
I even tried to kill with wine.

I shot her in the arm
I shot her in the heart
I shot her so much
She lost her art

I tried to pull back but she liked to stay
She wouldn’t have it any other way
I loved her and she loved me
Paying me nickels, dimes and pennies

I’ll take it all and love the view
In my penthouse apartment on Park Avenue
Oh, you think I have anything better to do?
The devil you say…..hell I’ve got a crew

I loved Amy Winehouse
And I know that she loved me
Velvet kisses of numbing love
You can’t get that from above
Only from me
Because you know
I’m the king
Of down below
From down here it’s ever clear
That Amy Winehouse has come home
And built a house all her own
Address is always the same
27th street next to Drop Dead Lane