Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cross Haired Diplomat

It makes me think
about Alanis Morissette
“Isn’t it Ironic”.
Don’t you think?
To get blown away
At a Safeway.

You’re just so too good to be true
I got my sites on you
I want you in my cross hairs
Your blue eyes and golden hair

Face the Facebook
Gobble the Google
Gotta map to find you
This gun is all for you

I’ll find
The places on your heart
I’ll find
The crosses in your hair
I’ll find
The things to destroy you
I’ll find a way
Because I care

We can’t even read the Constitution
Without the Chamber yelling
It’s a volatile situation
Maybe they should meet at Safeway
No gavel…and a little more leeway

You can’t hide forever
We can blow you away
At a Safe-way
Who’s to blame?
Valeria Plame?
She’s got good cross hairs
Looks just the same

You can’t escape from us
Jump on the Facebook bus
Or impale on the Palin Map
Cross Haired Diplomat

What do we worship more?
The Cross or Cross Hairs
We’ve got souls to spare

Friday, June 21, 2013

I’m not a Rothchild

I’m not a Rothchild
Just a lost child
Searching for something
But there’s nothing
To find
In here

I’m not a Flaming Lip
I’ve tried to be hip
Toking with a smoke clip
I need to get a grip

Wanna take a ride
To the Oceanside
Head blown in
Like a driven wind
Knocking down
What I’ve never found

I’m out of breath but I can’t stop the death
I’m out of time and I can’t make it mine
I’m out of luck and I’m hopelessly stuck
Because nothing changes
And nothing rearranges
In here