It was right here
In front of my face
To save the world
To save Grace
On the tip of my tongue
Lightening strung
I gotta fight long
For the Hard One
For the
It will kill us all
Once and for all
But wait
It was right here
At one time
Wasn’t it right?
And so sublime?
Oh, let’s not think of that
I need a beer
On the tip of your tongue
Could’ve saved millions
But I’m glad we can push buttons
Faster than the minions
Which you’ll soon become
Work off the china man truck
Awe-So You white Man
I got Work for You
Clean up my Tsunami
It’s too Boo-Koo
We laughy laughy
At the whitey whitey
They always want to appear
Mighty mighty
Oh…me no understand
About your change
But I just plucked 50 down
On the Tokyo exchange
But…’s so rice to play me video games
To pass the time
Most involve crime
Tee hee hee
Just passing time until the template
Splits the world again
And makes another million batches of
Misfits and minions
To exploit the world again…I fear
Keep punching buttons
It make you happy
It keep you happy
Pass the Time
It’s Past Time
America - Meet The Soma Coma
A Brave New World
Just punch and punch and punch
See how far you can get
Oh….maybe that extra Easter Egg?
If you beg
American’s are pathetic
Resting on the laurels of past precedent
And even as I write this
They are trying to overthrow the governments
In some little land
Where I don’t give a damn.
Oh wait…yes…..there is a Modest Consideration I will shout out to the United States of America. Who Needs Wisconsin?
Canada can take Wisconsin. Give it to them. As a Grant. Here you go, Canada.
The New Big Fucking Deal. Right? It’s right on the border…well…almost. And frankly, everybody in America….and will speak for them…says….fuck you. And also, fuck the government. But I wasn’t kidding about Canada.
Hey you British people you
Wanna bunch of flag waving creepies
Who live in the sixties
And hasn’t read a newspaper in…….well
And we don’t care aboooot Wisconsin.
Grow a garden and get some sheep.
At least you’ll have some greens to give to the goats and a coat of many soiled colors that you can wrap around you hairless brains. Wisconsin Morons.