Percentages and Relativity……
Oh how I hate math. I hate equations and decimals and precise formulas. In a perfect world, everything would work out if you just do the homework…if you can figure out the code. Static. Real. Complex but oh so simple. Such as it is with relationships, right? Meet the right person….and the formula will work. Oh…but I forget about the two negatives making a positive thing. Dang, how I hate math.
There’s no equation to relations. The math is daunting. Over 50% of marriages fail. I’m sorry to say that I’m am part of that statistic. It breaks my heart. That is to say, if I still have one. I hear it pulsing and the rate goes up when I exercise, but the true heart is in the soul, and mine is in severe disrepair.
For people pursuing a relationship, you can always look to the beautiful side, the right brain where nothing goes wrong and the roses never die. It’s a romantic notion spent on a rainy day when you finally decide that the movie version of boy meets girl actually works (a formula plot, by the way). It looks so good on screen. Laughter, tears, sex, make up sex, and basically sex for the sake of having it. What love. What love indeed.
Does this deter me from trying to find happiness in the companionship of others? To trust someone with my heart? Hell yes it does. If they ever figure out Pi….then maybe we can decode the true formula of love and how we can work out the equations to stay together. I have a huge eraser and can correct mistakes. We’ve all made a few even the erasers can’t touch. The paper is too thin and the marks won’t go away.
What was the Einstein theory…Energy is equal to mass x speed of life…ok..speed of light!! Well, the light is bright and I’m speeding through it. Mass…well….I go to the gym on a daily basis to deal with the mass. I’m not sure that’s what Einstein had in mind, but, as I said……I hate math.
Actually it is a statistical myth that 50% of marriages end in divorce. On first glance is seems true. 2.4 million marriages per year and 1.2 million divorces. This does not take into account the 54 million marriages that are not ending. True statistics are difficult to come by as they are compiled on a state level. Plus, people like Larry King and Pamela Anderson tend to skew the stats. There seems to be agreement that teenagers that get married have a high rate of divorce. Generally, about one in eight marriages will end in divorce and 2 percent of all marriages will end in divorce each year.